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Gridopolis Game Design
You can be a game designer in six simple steps. Are you ready to create the next classic game?

STEP 1. Design Your Grid-Set

Use the three building parts — pad, post and link — to design your own, original 3D grid-set.

Choose where to place the teleporters, game nodes that move markers quickly around the grid-set.

Determine each player’s home row and mark those pads with the kingerizers.

STEP 2. Place the Player Markers

Decide how many people can play your game (1 to 4), then choose how many markers each players gets to start the game.

Place the markers on the grid-set. (Note: Opposite sides works the best).

STEP 3. Choose How Markers Move

Player markers must move to play just about any game. Decide how they move in your game — and how many spaces they can move per turn.

For example, some chess pieces move only diagonally, while others must turn 90 degrees. Consider how this might change when a game is in 3D.

STEP 4. Choose a Capture Method

In most strategy games, players eliminate their opponents by either jumping over them (like in Checkers) or landing on top of them (like in Chess).

Your game could be different! In Chinese Checkers, for example, players jump over opponents to win a race to the opposite side. Pick a capture style that works with the grid-set you designed in Step 1.

STEP 5. Choose a Win Condition

In standard Gridopolis rules, you can play two ways: (1) last player standing, with no time limit, or (2) a timed game, most points wins.

Choose one of these options, or a different one you made up. Maybe instead of capturing your opponent, you race to a goal or finish line.

STEP 6. Test, Tweak & Play Again

After you’ve completed Steps 1 through 5, you’re ready for the testing phase. This is just like the scientific method (no mixing of chemicals is required!)

Test your game by yourself or play with others, and see what works.

Find a problem with your game? Tweak your designs or rules or both... then play again.